Research Fellowships
Virginia Museum of History & Culture (Virginia)
January 27, 2023
Post date: October 11, 2022

2023 Research Fellowships - Virginia Museum of History & Culture

The Virginia Museum of History & Culture (VMHC) offers research fellowships of up to three weeks a year to promote the interpretation of Virginia and access to its collections. Thanks to a matching grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and generous gifts from individuals, fellowships carry a weekly stipend of $1,000 and $500 for local mileage. A week is defined as five days in the Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Research Library, which is open 10am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday. The deadline for applications is Friday, January 27, 2023. For information about the research fellowships and how to apply for 2023, please visit the following page on the VMHC website:

Application Instructions 

Applicants must submit the following materials, in a single document in Word format, to

  • Cover letter
  • Résumé
  • Description of the research project not longer than two double-spaced pages that also states the length of the grant period requested.
  • Statement in which you address how your perspective, experience, and/or project contributes to a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable discipline. (200-word limit)

Two letters of recommendation should be submitted electronically to Dr. James Brookes, Melanie Trent De Schutter Library Director, at Please reference the applicant’s name in SUBJECT line.

The committee will consider reapplications. For repeat fellowships, the maximum number is limited to four within a ten-year period.

Job, fellowship, and CFP listings are services that are offered by the American Studies Association to support its members in exploring professional opportunities in American studies. Any questions should be directed to the program, department, or center that has posted the opportunity.