On behalf of its membership, the Executive Committee of the American Studies Association sends a message of support and solidarity to the striking members of the University and College Union (UCU).
We support the strike action protesting falling pay, management's attempt to cut worker pension schemes, the gender and ethic pay gap, precarious employment practices, and unsafe and abusive workloads. We lend our particular support to your strike for better working conditions – not just for faculty but for all academic staff, including PhD students, without whom our universities and colleges would fall apart.
Without a real investment in all of its staff, UK universities, like U.S. universities, fail in their mission to support student learning.
President: Scott Kurashige, University of Washington, Bothell
President Elect: Dylan E. Rodríguez, University of California, Riverside
Past President: Roderick A. Ferguson, Yale University
Executive Director: John F. Stephens
Councilor: Soyica Diggs Colbert, Georgetown University
Councilor: Hokulani Aikau, University of Utah
Councilor: Deborah Vargas, Rutgers University
Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.