The Executive Committee of the American Studies Association invites applications and nominations for the committee positions listed below. Candidates must be association members and should possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work.
Applications should include a brief statement outlining one’s qualifications and experience, letter(s) of reference relating the applicant’s experience to the committee’s work , and the applicant’s two-page (maximum) vita, or link to the applicant’s online biography.
Nominations should relate the candidate’s experience to the committee’s work and include each candidate’s brief statement outlining his or her qualifications and experience, and the nominee’s (maximum) two-page vita, or link to the applicant’s online biography.
The materials should not exceed six pages in length. Do not submit academic resumes. Emailed, faxed, scanned, or posted applications will NOT be accepted.
All application materials should be assembled by the submitter(s) and transmitted to the ASA electronically in the form of a single PDF on or before May 1, 2020 via the online application form.
Standing Committees
Committee on American Studies Programs and Centers: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the current interests, needs, and professional concerns of American Studies departments and programs, and has the responsibility for special tasks involving the association’s institutional membership. Two positions, three-year terms.
Committee on Critical Ethnic Studies: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the current activities, interests, and professional concerns affecting Ethnic Studies programs, departments, and scholars; to act as a liaison among association standing committees; to be responsible for liaison with other ethnic studies organizations, and to have responsibility for special tasks involving Critical Ethnic Studies scholars and scholarship. Two positions, three-year terms.
Committee on Gender and Sexuality Studies: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the issues affecting women, queer and transgender peoples in the profession and has responsibility for special tasks involving these communities in the membership. Two positions, three-year terms.
Committee on Graduate Education: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the current issues affecting graduate education in American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and other interdisciplinary graduate-level instruction; to act as a liaison between the association and national organizations concerning graduate education in the field; to act as a liaison among association standing committees on issues concerning graduate education; and shall have responsibility for special tasks involving the association’s institutional members that have Ph.D. and M.A. degree granting programs concerning graduate education. Two positions, three year terms.
International Committee: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the issues affecting international scholars and students in the profession and has responsibility for special tasks involving international scholars and students in the membership. International members of the ASA especially are encouraged to apply. Three positions, three-year terms.
Minority Scholars’ Committee: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the issues affecting minority scholars in the profession and has responsibility for special tasks involving minority scholars in the membership. Two positions, three-year terms.
Students' Committee: Keeps the Council and the association’s membership informed of the current interests, needs, and orientations of American Studies students. Two positions, three-year terms.
Prize Committees
The John Hope Franklin Publication Prize Committee selects the best-published book in American Studies submitted each year to the Committee by authors and publishers. Books published during calendar 2020 will be eligible. Three positions, one-year term (2021).
The Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize Committee selects a person for the best-published first book in American Studies that highlights the intersections of race with gender, class, sexuality and/or nation. Books published during calendar 2020 will be eligible. Three positions, one-year term (2021).
The Ralph Henry Gabriel Dissertation Prize Committee selects the best completed dissertation in American Studies submitted to the committee by graduate programs in American Studies, American ethnic studies, and American women’s studies. Dissertations completed during the 2020-2021 academic year will be eligible. Three positions, one-year term (2021).
The Constance M. Rourke Prize Committee selects the best article in American Quarterly. Three positions, two-year terms (2021-2022).
The Gene Wise-Warren Susman Prize Committee selects the best student paper at the annual meeting. Three positions, two-year terms (2021-2022).
The Yasuo Sakakibara Prize Committee selects the best paper presented by an international scholar at the meeting. Three positions, two-year terms (2021-2022).
Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.