Press Contact: John F. Stephens
Today, the American Studies Association announced the launch of its new website, located at www.theasa.net.
As commissioned by 2014-2015 President Lisa Duggan and developed in partnership with Johns Hopkins University Press and D.C.-based Confluence Corporation, the new website was designed to “reflect the mission and energy of today’s ASA.” The website drew contributions from over 100 members across the organization who participated through surveys, focus groups, and design feedback, as well as original writing and editing.
“This project was unique in that we truly had large-scale collaboration,” said Tavia Nyong’o, who served as senior scholarly consultant. “With this kind of purposeful engagement with our colleagues and fellow members, we hope we’ve built a platform that will serve the association for years to come.”
The ASA’s new website offers notable improvements for the association’s 5000+ members.
Through “single sign-on” enabled by Johns Hopkins University Press, members will use one username and password for all member-related business. After logging in, members have easy access to everything from submitting conference proposals and registering, to voting in elections, donating to award and prize funds, and reading American Quarterly, the premier journal of the field.
“We’re looking forward to discovering what future possibilities unfold with a website that integrates membership and service across the association,” said President Robert Warrior.
Executive Director John Stephens noted that, since mid-December, the association had seen an increase in institutional memberships as the site’s jobs and opportunities section offers value to academic employers—and more public venues, such as museums, libraries, non-profits, and government organizations. “Promoting jobs across the ASA’s committees, chapters, and caucuses makes this a special benefit for members who may be looking for opportunities—or are curious about shifts in professionalization or career pathways within American studies,” Stephens said.
Speaking to the impact of the new website for ASA members, Journals Publisher at Johns Hopkins University Press William Breichner added: “It may take a little time for members to acclimate to the new system, but the pay-off will be worth it, particularly as members pass through old stress points like membership renewal and conference proposal submission.”
The ASA will be coordinating announcements to ease transition to the new site. Members are invited to visit the website to read more on proposal submission for the 2017 annual meeting. An email will also be sent out to highlight changes with the ASA’s conference management system. Similarly, leaders within committees, chapters, and caucuses should expect information in the coming weeks on how to use the new website’s platforms for community outreach across the organization.
“We’re excited to share the new site with members,” said past president Lisa Duggan. “It’s a challenging year ahead, particularly for researchers, writers, teachers, activists, and community organizers informed by the critiques and analyses found within American studies.
“We hope the new website will become a resource to anyone looking to mobilize within an increasingly complex system in higher education and within and across national and international cultures that require us to work together for a more precise—and effective—critical response.”
Member inquiries about the new website should be directed to the Office of the Executive Director, asastaff@theasa.net. Media inquiries are invited to contact the ASA at asamedia@theasa.net for more information on the association, its mission and current initiatives.
Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.