Various federal funding streams support American Studies Association members, including and especially ASA institutional members. The ASA advocates for these funding streams in concert with other scholarly and professional associations through its participation (since 1985) in the National Humanities Alliance.
The National Humanities Alliance
The National Humanities Alliance (NHA) advocates for federal funding for humanities research, teaching, programming, preservation and access by cultivating and monitoring support for the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Archives, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Department of Education, Title VI and Fulbright-Hays, among other agencies and programs.
To preserve and strengthen this stream of funding, the NEH draws upon a coalition of more than 140 members that include scholarly and professional associations like the ASA—as well as museums, libraries, historical societies; state humanities councils, and independent and university-based humanities research centers; and colleges and universities. Working with and across this alliance, NHA champions the importance of the humanities in Washington, D.C., and in communities around the country.
NHA facilitates direct advocacy—of Members of Congress hearing directly from their constituents—through its Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day, and NHA Action Alerts.
NHA Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day: On the first day of this two-day event, participants connect with a growing network of humanities leaders from around the country and highlight best practices for communicating the value of humanities research, education, programming, and preservation to Members of Congress. On the second day—Humanities Advocacy Day—participants visit members of Congressional delegations from their state to discuss the impact of their work and make the case for federal support for the humanities. NHA provide these advocates with key briefing materials targeted to particular states and districts. These visits and follow-up correspondences build essential relationships with congressional offices.
NHA Action Alerts: When a high volume of constituent letters promises to sway Congressional opinions on a pressing legislative issue, NHA issues action alerts to its members, to its large mailing list of advocates, and on social media. Action alerts make it very simple to write e-mails to, tweet at, or post on the Facebook walls of Members of Congress. NHA ensures that the Members receive a well-reasoned letter that makes the case for humanities programs and funding.
Sign up for NHA Action Alerts
The ASA encourages our institutional members and general membership to add their voice to the NHA’s Campaign for Humanities Funding by signing up for action alerts. By adding your name to the list, you'll receive action alerts and breaking news pertaining to humanities funding. You can sign up below, or visit their website to learn more.