The following is a registry of completed doctoral dissertations in American Studies, American Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies programs as reported by U.S. Ph.D. degree-granting institutions in the field. This list is based on requests to American Studies, American Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies Programs for lists of doctoral dissertations completed between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000. The survey was sent to forty-four universities. Twenty-nine of which were American Studies programs of which twenty-eight replied; nine of which were American Ethnic Studies programs of which two replied; and six of which were American Women’s Studies programs of which there were four replies stating that no dissertations had yet been completed. The report contains entries whose titles suggest the broad range of topics and diverse methodologies that American Studies scholars are exploring. For abstracts of these and other dissertations completed this year by ASA members, please see the December 2000 American Quarterly.


Cheryl Charline Boots: “Earthly Strains: The Cultural Work of Protestant Sacred Music in Three Nineteenth-Century American Popular Novels.”

Ron Miller: “The Free School Movement, 1967-1972: A Study of Countercultural Ideology.”

Jonathan Vogels: “‘Outrageous Acts of Faith’: The Films of Albert and David Maysles, 1962-1986”

Christopher R. Walsh: “Craven Images: Cowardice in American Literature from the Revolution to the Nuclear Era.”

Bryan Waterman: “The Friendly Club of New York City: Industries of Knowledge in the Early Republic.”


James Beeby: “Revolt of the Tar Heelers: A Socio-Political History of the Populist Movement in North Carolina, 1892-1901.”

Charles Coletta: “Italian American Images in Contemporary Popular Culture.”

Philip Dickinson: “‘Squatters in our Imaginations’: Framing the Discourse of Captivity, 1682-1979.”

Charlene Blair Etkind: “Communities in Cyberspace: An Investigation into the Cohesion of Internal Relay Chat Channels and Relationships Between Participants.”

Dawn Heinecken: “The Women Warriors in Television: A Feminist Cultural Analysis of the New Female Body in Popular Media.”

Diana Montague: “Empowering the Sense of Place: Regional Detection Fiction Elevates Non-Urban American Culture.”

Joseph Ruff: “The Importance of Being Ernest: The Aesthetics of Sincerity in Local Country Music Networks.”

Clifford Vaughn: “Dixieland Demonstrations: The Display of Power in Selmians’ Struggle for Civil Rights.”

Sharon Vriend: “‘My Life in the White World’: The European-American Representation of Marion Anderson, 1937-1957.”

Maryan Wherry: “Military Wives and the Western Frontier: A Cultural Reading of Their Public Accounts.”


Mark Herlihy: “Leisure, Space and Collective Memory in the ‘Athens of America’: A History of Boston’s Revere Beach.”

Kristen Marthe Lentz: “Television as Bad Object: Feminism, Race, and the Politics of the Sign in 1970s Television and Film.”

Brian Keith Locke: “Three’s a Crowd: The Racial Triangle of ‘White,’ ‘Black,’ and ‘Asian’ Men in Post World War Two United States Culture.”

Susette Min: “Creative License: Walking Through Asian American Cultural Productions.”

Ezra Tawil: “The Frontier Romance, the Problem of Slavery, and the Making of Race.”


Gregory A. Joseph: “Pride and Profit: The Dilemma of Quality and Quantity in the Early Automobile Luxury Industry.”

Charles Douglas Kroll: “The Life and Career of Commodore Ellsworth Bertholf: The First Commandant of the Cost Guard.”

John Patrick Lloyd: “Revising the Republic: Popular Perception of Constitutional Change During the Civil War and Reconstruction.”

Kathleen L. Norman: “‘Biologic Living’: The Redemption of Women and America Through Healthy Living, Dress and Eugenics.”

Clifford Frederic Porter: “The Interpretations of Nazi Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin.”


Joseph Cosco: “Eyeing Italians: Race, Romance, and Reality in American Perception, 1880-1910.”

Valerie DeBrava: “Authorship and Individualism in American Literature.”

Joseph Rainer: “The Honorable Fraternity of Moving Merchants: Yankee Peddlers in the Old South, 1800-1860.”

Yujin Yaguchi: “The Ainu in U.S.-Japan Relations.”


Michael Antonucci: “Cryptic Cartography: The Poetry of Michael S. Harper and the Geo-poetic Impulse.”

Patricia L. Duncan: “A History of Un/Saying: Silences, Memory, and Historiography in Asian American Women’s Narratives.”

Nancy Koppelman: “One For the Road: Mobility in American Life, 1787-1985.”

Meredith Raimondo: “The Next Wave: Media Maps of the ‘Spread of AIDS.’”

Kimberly Springer: “‘Our Politics Was Black Women’: Black Feminist Organizations, 1967-1980.”

Jennifer Steadman: “Travel Writing and Resistance: A Feminist Reading of Travel Narratives by African American and Euro-American Women, 1820-1860.”


Gloria Allen: “Threads of Bondage: Chesapeake Slave Women and Plantation Cloth Production, 1750-1850.”

Jurretta Jordan Heckscher: “‘All the Mazes of the Dance’: Black Dancing, Culture, and Identity in the Greater Chesapeake World from the Early Eighteenth Century to the Civil War.”

Timothy Lloyd: “The National Folk Festival: Culture, History, and the Work of Public Folklore.”

Joanne Gernstein London: “A Modest Show of Arms: Exhibiting the Armed Forces in the Smithsonian Institution, 1945-1976.”

Christopher Martin: “Tract House Modern: A Study of Housing Design and Consumption in the Washington Suburbs, 1946-1960.”

Paige Roberts: The Politics of Preservation: Historical Consciousness and Community Identity in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.”


Cynthia Marie Blair: “Vicious Commerce: African American Women’s Sex Work and the Transformation of Urban Space in Chicago, 1850-1915.”

Dean Eric Budnick: “Directed Verdict: The Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle Trial Discourse.”

Brian William Casey: “Romancing the Campus: Emotion and the American College, 1880-1940.”

Daniel J. Huslebosch: “Constituting Empire: Constitutional Ideas and Practices in New York, 1664-1830.”

Stephanie Wellen Levine: “Mystics, Mavericks, and Merrymakers: The Inner Worlds and Daily Lives of Hasidic Adolescent Girls.”

John Timothy O’Keefe: “Family of God, Family of Man: Liberal Religion in Eighteenth Century New England.”

Imani Perry: “Dusky Justice: Race in U.S. Law and Literature, 1878-1914.”


Christy Rishoi: “Girl Power: The American Woman’s Coming of Age.”

Stephen A. Rohs: “Eccentric Nation: Irish Embodiment and Performance in Nineteenth-Century New York City.”


Elliott Collins: “Bayard Rustin: A Civil Rights Biography.”

Christopher Johnson: “A Social History of the Drum.”

Joseph Roach: “Women in the American Communist Party and How Their Party Activities Affected Their Home Lives as Wives & Mothers.”

Nichole Rustin: “Mingus Fingers: Charles Mingus, Cultural Memory, and the Gender of Race in Postwar Jazz.”

Alice Joan Saab: “Painting the Town Red (and White and Blue): Art and Politics in 1930s New York City.”

David Serlin: “Built for Living: Imagining the American Body Through Medical Science, 1945-65.”


Hugh Foley: “Jazz from Muskogee OK: Eastern OK as a Hearth of Musical Culture.”


Andaluna Borcila: “Narrative of Displacement From and Within ‘America’: National Identifications and Liminal Encounters.”


Mary Blixen: “David Rowland Francis: Missourian and Progressive Public Servant.”

Regina Canty Faden: “The German St. Vincent Orphan Home: The Institution and Its Role in the Immigrant German Catholic Community of St. Louis, 1858-1900.”

Loftin Woodiel: “William C. Quantrill: Deviant or Hero?”


Lori Elaine Taylor: “Telling Stories About Mormons and Indians.”

Amy Ruth Tobol: “Badge of Honor: A History of the Law Students Civil Rights Research Council.”


Bruce P. Bottorff: “For God and Country: Changing Perceptions of America’s Military Chaplain at War.”

Anthony Kaliss: “A Comparison of Soviet and American Policies Toward the Native Peoples on Both Sides of the Bering Strait.”

Christine Kirk-Kuwaye: “Exceptional Moments: A Feminist Analysis of Selected Images of the Photographic Work of Anne Noggle.”

Cait O’Darling: “Palace of Mirrors House of Freaks.”

Halifu Osumare: “African Aesthetics, American Culture: Hip Hop in the Global Era.”

Mark Rice: “Shaping Place and History in Contemporary American Landscape Photography.”

Vernice Wineera: “Culture and Compromise: The Negotiation of Cultural Identity in the Polynesian Cultural Center.”


Viki Daitch: “From Sympathy to Synergy: Humane Activism in the Modern Environmental Movement.”

Frank Higbie: “Indispensable Outcasts: Seasonal Laborers and Community in the Upper Midwest.”

Stacey Jean Klein: “The Real and the Ideal: Margaret Junkin Preston and Women’s Increasing Role in the Culture of the South, 1820-1897.”

Steven Vaughn: “Fundamental Words: The Construction of Identity in the Protestant Fundamentalist Community, 1925-1940.”


Daniel Lewis: “Emanuel Leutze’s Art of the Civil War Era: Romantic Histories of the Crisis of Union.”

Michael Lewis: “Tracking the Biodiversity Ideal: The Transfer and Reception of Ecological Theories and Practices Between the U.S. and India, 1947-1997.”


Chalermsri Chantasingh: “The Americanization of ‘The King and I’: The Transformation of an English Governess into an American Legend.”

Natalie Dykstra: “Working it Out: Domesticity, Space and Self-Representation in Women’s Autobiographical Writing.”

Mary Lou O’Neil: “Act Your Age!: Law, Culture and the Boundary Between Child and Adult.”

Joel Morton: “Disciplining Men: Cultural Studies of the Men’s Movement.”

Helen Scheumaker: “‘A Token that Love Entwines’: Human Hair Work and the American White Middle-Class, 1780-1900.”

Richard Schur: “Rites of Rhetoric: Toni Morrison, Luis Valdez and Critical Race Theory.”


Anne Brigid Globensky: “At Home in Baltimore: An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Lumbee Domestic Material Culture.”

Jenny Christina Thompson: “Common Soldiers: An Ethnography of 20th Century War Reenactors.”

Barbara W. Williams: “A Cultural Analysis of Black Women Teachers at Dunbar High School in Washington, DC.”


Francis Njøbi Nesbitt: “The Role of African-Americans in the Anti-Apartheid Movement.”


Joseph Moreau: “Schoolbook Nation Imaging the American Community in United States History Texts for Grammar and Secondary Schools, 1865-1930.”

Leslie Paris: “Children’s Nature: Summer Camps in New York State, 1919-1941.”

Christine Bass: “‘It Was More Like Home Than a Hospital’: Women’s Experiences as Patients at Peterson’s Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1902-1933


Catherine Griffin: “Joined Together in History: African American and American Indian Women’s Writing.”

Rebecca Hill: “Men, Mobs and the Law: Defense Campaigns and U.S. Radical History.”

Jason Loviglio: “The Voice of the People: Network Radio, Intimate Public, 1932-1945.”

Alex Lubin: “Race-ing Romance: Interracialims and the Limits of Freedom, 1945-1954.”

Cynthia Mills Richter: “Integrating the Suburban Dream.”

Meredith Wood: “Re-Sisters in Crime: Politics and Sexuality in Lesbian Detective Novels.”


Kristan Cockerill: “Words and Deeds: Assessing Print Media Language Influences on Public Perceptions and Water Management Policy Decisions.”

Sarah Ketchian: “Converting to Spiritual Profits: CEO Faith and Corporate Environmentalism Performance.”

Cara Marianna: “Abortion Narratives: Mapping the Terrain of a Collective Story.”

Patricia Moore: “Santos de Santa Fe: Mediators of Family, Faith, Culture and Place.”

Patrick Pynes: “Erosion, Extraction, Reciprocation: An Ethno/Environmental History of the Navajo Nation’s Ponderosa Pine Forests.”

Yolanda Retter: “On the Side of the Angels: Lesbian Activism in Los Angeles, 1970-1990.”


David Armstrong: “The True Believer: Walt Whitman Rostow and the Path to Vietnam.”

Joel Dinerstein: “Swinging the Machine: White Technology and Black Culture Between the World Wars.”

Vicki Jo Howard: “American Weddings: Gender, Consumption, and the Business of Brides.”

Karen Ann Russell King: “Surviving Modernity: Jewishness, Fieldwork, and the Roots of American Anthropology in the Twentieth Century.”

Tovo, Kathie: “‘The Unparalleled Individuality of Me’ : The Story of Mary MacLane.”

Donald Walden: “The Southern Peasant: Poor Whites and the Yeoman Ideal.”


Gary Entz: “Paradise on the Plains: The Development of Cooperative Alternatives in Kansas, 1850-1900.” 
Gregory Smoak: “Ghost Dances and Identity: Ethnogenesis and Racial Identity Among Shoshones and Bannocks in the Nineteenth Century.”


Micki Archuleta: “A Covenant of Struggle: Constitutional Discourse and Ideological Debate in Antebellum America.”

Ednie Kaeh Garrison: “The Third Wave and the Cultural Predicament of Feminist Consciousness in the U.S.”

Michele D. Ren: “Imperial Designs: The Victorian Home and the (Re)Vision of Empire in American Culture.”


Kathleen Clark: “History is No Fossil Remains: Race, Gender and the Politics of Memory in the American South, 1863-1913.”

Margo Crawford: “Transcendence Versus the Embodiment of Racial Abstraction in Novels by William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, and John Edgar Wideman.”

Manuela Thurner: “Girlkulture and Kulturfeminismus: Gender and Americanism in Weimar Germany, 1918-1933.”

Elspeth Brown: “The Corporate Eye: Photography and the Rationalization of American Culture, 1884-1929.”

Mark Jeffrey Hardwick: “Creating a Consumer’s Century: Urbanism and Architect Victor Gruen, 1938-1968.”

Rebecca Schreiber: “The Cold War Culture of Political Exile: U.S. Writers and Artists in Mexico, 1940-1965.”

John Utz: “The Ugly Truth: Mystery, Fear and Manhood in the Age of Realism.”