New for 2025, please take note of the following policies regarding audio/visual equipment and livestreaming capabilities at the Annual Meeting:

  • At the 2025 conference, ASA will provide wireless microphones in all session rooms. 
  • Projectors and speakers will be available in a limited number of session rooms for papers, presentations, discussions, or other formats centering on visual or oral material. Panelists must request projectors and/or speakers as part of the submission process. 
  • Laptops are not provided. Panelists should plan to bring their own laptops and a variety of adaptors as needed to connect with any requested A/V. If multiple panelists in a session will need to use a projector and/or speakers, it is recommended that you coordinate and put all presentations on one laptop or thumb drive for smooth transitions during the session. 
  • A/V requests received after August 1, 2025 must be paid for by the member, committee, or caucus making the request. 
  • No on-site requests or changes for A/V can be accommodated. 
  • Due to logistical constraints, only a limited number of panelist livestreams into sessions can be accommodated. Only panelists with specific conditions that preclude travel (i.e. medical condition, disability, incarceration, or special circumstances, such as a prohibition on international travel) may request to present virtually. The chair (or submitter) must be in-person and manage virtual links. Please note the request and its needs in the "Additional Information" section of your proposal submission. Due to logistical constraints, after February 10 changes from in-person to virtual can only be permitted in the event of documented emergencies.