The American Studies Association invites academic and non-academic employers to post jobs or other opportunities to our website. Whether the position is in a traditional department or program, or a library, museum, non-profit organization, or government agency, your posting will find qualified candidates among our members and graduates of the field.  

To submit a job or fellowship: You must create an account—or, log-in if you are already a member or have an account on the ASA website. Job and fellowship postings are $250 ($150 for institutional members). The option to join as an institutional member, which provides a discount for postings among other benefits, is available at check-out. Payment is prompted after submitting the job or fellowship. Ads submitted during the week are posted within 24-36 hours of submission. Ads received over the weekends are posted on Mondays. Jobs and fellowships are also cross-promoted to relevant committees, chapters, and caucuses for maximum publicity. 

To submit a call for paper: The ASA also hosts calls for papers or participation to connect members with opportunities ranging from conferences and symposia to edited collections, special issues, or awards. While you need not be a member of the ASA to log-in and post a CFP, you must create an account on the ASA website to publicize these opportunities free of charge. 

Submit a Job or Fellowship   Submit a CFP