The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award Program is accepting applications through December 3, 2018. This opportunity is for tenure-track faculty who are committed not only to research and teaching but also to building a more inclusive scholarly community. Applicants may not be going up for tenure during the award year (2018–19).
Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the Malkiel Scholars Award offers a $17,500 stipend—$10,000 to be used for summer research support and $7,500 for research assistance during the academic year. While Malkiel Scholars may be working in any field of the humanities or social sciences, preference will be given to those whose work relates to 20th- and 21st-century American history, politics, culture, and society, with emphases including but not limited to African American issues, women’s issues, and/or higher education.
Additional information is available at
Job, fellowship, and CFP listings are services that are offered by the American Studies Association to support its members in exploring professional opportunities in American studies. Any questions should be directed to the program, department, or center that has posted the opportunity.