Dissident Feminisms: Inaugural bell hooks center Symposium
Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies and bell hooks center , Berea College (Berea, Kentucky )
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Review Begins: 
Saturday, October 1, 2022

Dissident Feminisms:
Inaugural bell hooks center Symposium
Sponsored by the bell hooks center and the Department of Women’s, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies at Berea College
June 16th-18th, 2023
Berea College
Berea, KY

bell hooks’s life and works engage in feminist thought and action that disrupts hegemonic systems of domination, including the cultural norms that hold these systems in place. She calls this dissident feminism a “talking back,” a “moving from silence into speech,” a “stand[ing] and struggl[ing] side by side [as] a gesture of defiance that heals, that makes new life and new growth possible” (Talking Back 9). Her writings envision feminist theory and praxis as transformational politic and movement–one that demands the provocation and audacity that hooks also represented in her person. Beverly Guy-Sheftall describes the oppositional voice of bell hooks as “loud and unrelenting” in her keynote address for the bell hooks center launch in September 2021. Indeed, hooks’s radical thought and action reimagine feminism as a sociopolitical movement
that is “fundamentally anti-racist,” which “has no gender,” and which “is for everybody.”

hooks’s naming of “imperialist white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy,” which she later,
in conversation with Laverne Cox, revised as “imperialist white supremacist capitalist
cis-hetero patriarchy,” pointedly critiques the politics of domination that govern this
world. hooks’s ordinary upbringing as a young Black girl in Appalachia, specifically, in
the “Kentucky backwoods,” grounds her critique in space and place. It animates her
radical interventions and deep commitment to liberatory world-making. While
maintaining the connection between a love ethic and critical consciousness, hooks calls
on us to cultivate visionary spaces, beloved communities, outlaw cultures, and radical
undercommons in which oppositional worldviews are rooted in the experiential.

In honor and celebration of her life, works, and legacy, the Inaugural bell hooks
Symposium at the bell hooks center at Berea College holds collective space for
continued engagement with dissident feminisms. This symposium encourages theory,
praxis, poetics, and aesthetics that move hooks’s interventions into the present moment
while challenging the co-optation and de-politicization of her work.

We invite proposals from activists, scholars, artists, community organizers, and public
intellectuals engaged in thought, action, and cultural production that attends but is not
limited to the following:

● Alternative networks of community and care
● Feminist abolitionisms, liberation, and futurity
● Archaeologies of change
● Critical consciousness and embodiment
● Decolonization beyond metaphor
● Feminist archiving
● Radical love and healing justice
● Feminism beyond binaries (male/female, hetero/homo, abled/disabled, etc.)
● Transgressive pedagogies
● Public intellectualisms
● World-making and beloved community
● Critical Youth Studies
● Black girlhood geographies
● Alternative masculinities
● Intersectionality and its dis/contents1
● Feminist activism and coalition-building
● Alternative forms of parenting and family structures
● Feminist intimacies and pleasures

Possible formats for individual and/or group submissions are as follows:

● Roundtable conversations
● Community and campus workshops
● Individual essays
● Panel presentations
● The displays of works of art, including but not limited to exhibitions, installations,
performances, visual works, and musical stylings

We also encourage creative proposals that merge one or more of these categories, or
which do away with categorization altogether.

If interested, please submit a 250-300 word proposal to
https://tinyurl.com/bhcsymposium2023 by September 15th, 2022 with the names,
contact information, and bios of participants included. Artist submissions should also
include samples of work. Please submit proposals as PDF, .jpg, and .mov files. For
questions, email: bhcsymposium@gmail.com.

As the location of the bell hooks center, the bell hooks Institute, and hooks’s archives,
we welcome rigorous engagement with her scholarship.

Symposium Organizers:

M. Shadee Malaklou
Founder and Inaugural Director of the bell hooks center at Berea College; Chair of
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Associate Professor of the Women’s, Gender,
and Sexuality Studies Department

fari nzinga
Inaugural bell hooks center Teacher-Scholar in Residence at Berea College

Megan Feifer
Inaugural bell hooks center Teacher-Scholar in Residence at Berea College

Job, fellowship, and CFP listings are services that are offered by the American Studies Association to support its members in exploring professional opportunities in American studies. Any questions should be directed to the program, department, or center that has posted the opportunity.