The American Studies Association will supply all session rooms with a Digital Equipment Package, which includes: an LCD/multimedia data projector with speakers, a laptop (MS Powerpoint, PC- but not MAC-compatible), screen, wireless internet, and on-site technical support. The ASA will not supply business meeting rooms with a Digital Equipment Package.
If you bring your own laptop, you should have an HDMI connector. Remember to restore the original hookups before you leave. If you want additional digital equipment, you will have to bring your own equipment or rent it at your own expense. If you want analog equipment such as an overhead projector, slide projectors, or TV/VCR/DVD, you will likewise have to bring your own equipment or rent it at your own expense. If you want digital equipment for a business meeting, you will have to bring your own equipment, or request your meeting be scheduled after 6pm in a session room.
As a best practice when using a Powerpoint or other visual presentation, please email the presentation to yourself or save on a drive. If you intend on using a MAC please bring proper cables.
Videoconferences or pre-recorded sessions:
While it has been ASA policy to restrict official participation to those able to be present in-person at the Annual Meeting, we are also committed to challenging systematic forms of intellectual enclosure imposed by carceral, nationalist, and/or ableist geographies and recognize that creating an accessible conference space should reflect the intentional and advance planning necessary to negotiate various kinds of distance. Toward this end, session organizers should consider whether prerecorded presentations are necessary for counteracting uncertainties of timing, access to communications technology (especially for incarcerated people), and other factors beyond participants’ control.
Due to internet constraints at conference facilities, only a limited number of pre-approved panelists may participate virtually live via Zoom or other streaming platforms.