Whether launching a new program or facing budget cuts, consolidation, or elimination, humanities departments are called upon to make the case for resources to deans and provosts. Join us on October 1, 1:00 pm, ET, for a webinar on how to advocate for the humanities to senior administrators.
In this nuts and bolts discussion, you’ll learn how to advocate for your humanities department from three NHA board members who are current and former senior administrators. Topics will include framing your case in the context of your institution’s strategic plan, negotiating to achieve your highest priorities, and building support within your department and across campus before engaging senior administrators.
Joy Connolly, President, American Council of Learned Societies
Paula Krebs, Executive Director, Modern Language Association
Ben Vinson, Provost, Case Western Reserve University
Stephen Kidd, Executive Director, National Humanities Alliance
Register for this webinar here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the webinar. We encourage you to share this invitation with your members and colleagues to help broaden the conversation.
This webinar builds on a recent two-part Between Two Bookshelves series, Making the Case for Studying the Humanities in a Time of Crisis, during which we heard from deans and humanities centers.
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