The Sports Studies Caucus is thrilled to present the following lineup for ASA 2016 in Denver. It includes the six panels formally affiliated with our caucus along with three others of interest! All NINE panels take place on Friday and Saturday.


8:00 to 9:45am, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 6
An Empty Home Field: Reflections on Sports, Race, and the Geographies of Place in the Neo-Liberal City 
- Amy Bass, John Bloom, Priscilla Leiva, Benjamin Lisle

10:00 to 11:45am, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 5
Competition and Commodity: Sports in 21st-Century Visual and Literary Culture
- Philip Deloris, Annie Gilbert Coleman, Jeffrey Lawrence, Roberta Newman

10:00 to 11:45am, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 6
Home on Campus?: Centering Sport in the University 
- Sherrie Tucker, Lucia Trimbur, Noah Cohan, Daniel Gilbert, Theresa Runstedtler, Randal Jelks

12:00 to 1:45pm, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 1
Activism Caucus: Israel’s Lethal Involvement in Mega-Sporting Events: Heeding the Call for Boycott 
- Chandni Desai, Dave Zirin, Linda Tabar

12:00 to 2:00pm, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Granite C
Business Meeting: Sports Studies Caucus 

2:00 to 3:45pm, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 7
Sports Studies Caucus: Built: At Home with the Athletic Body 
- Mary McDonald, E. Hella Tsaconas, Kara Fagan, Erica Rand, Chelsea Jones

4:00 to 5:45pm, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 4, Capitol 7
Sports Studies Caucus: Refusing to Defend this House: Athletic Insurrection at the University of Missouri and Beyond 
- David Leonard, Emmett Gill, Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, Drew Brown, Doug Hartmann, C. Richard King


8:00 to 9:45am, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 3, Mineral Hall F
Race in the Sports Documentary 
- Travis Vogan, Samantha Sheppard, Guy Harrison, Aaron Baker

10:00 to 11:45am, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 3, Mineral Hall F
Sisters With Attitude: How Venus and Serena Williams Changed the Game 
- Vanessa Perez, Treva Lindsey, Salamishah Tillet, Brittney Cooper

12:00 to 1:45pm, DENVER CONVENTION CTR, Level 3, Mineral Hall F
The Sporting Life: Athletic Cultures and Practices 
- Pellom McDaniels III, Evan Brody, Margaret Kelly, Jennifer McClearen, Jasmine Mitchell

Post date: June 15, 2016

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