2017 Program Committee

Dear Colleagues:

We hope this finds you well.  As part of the Executive Committee of the National Council's aim to involve as wide an array of members in the governance of the association, we write to invite you to consider nominating yourself for membership in one of the association's standing committees.

As you may know, the ASA's governance structure includes standing committees that are charged with representing our membership's interests in a wide variety of areas.  These committees not only organize and sponsor scholarly and professionalization sessions at the annual meeting, but also provide the National Council with guidance and insight into matters of intellectual and professional concern.  Membership on them is by appointment by the Executive Committee, and appointments are made with an eye toward proliferating diversity in all measures (professional and sociopolitical). Nominations for membership come from the committees, but also through the process of self-nomination.  

We'd be delighted to consider your self-nomination among this year's pool!

More information about the standing committees may be found here: https://theasa.net/communities/committees.  Those for whom the executive committee will consider nominations for three year terms starting July 1 2017 are the committees for:

  • American Studies Departments, Programs, and Centers
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Graduate Education
  • Students

And, if you're ready to self-nominate (or to nominate someone else -- with, of course, their approval), log into your account and do so here: https://theasa.net/communities/committees/committee-resources/apply-or-nominate-committees

The deadline for consideration for this round of appointments is 1 June 2017.

Thank you for your consideration.


The Executive Committee of the National Council

Posted for ASA Office in Other
Post date: May 26, 2017

Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.