The Minority Scholars’ Committee of the American Studies Association invites nominations for the Richard A. Yarborough Mentoring Award. The prize was established in 2012, and will honor a scholar who, like Richard Yarborough, demonstrates dedication to and excellence in mentoring.

Nominations will be considered “active” for three years, including the year of initial submission.  Those submitting nominations are welcome to send updated or additional information every year during that time, to supplement the original nomination packet.  Any supplements must be received by the deadline for submission of nominations of any given year.

Nomination materials should include:

  • A letter of nomination (no longer than 5 single-spaced pages) describing the nominee’s achievements in mentoring underrepresented students and faculty working in the field of American studies, broadly construed. This statement should include his or her contributions to locally (at their home institution), nationally, and internationally. This statement might also address the nominee’s scholarly contributions, as well as the impact of the nominee’s research on the careers of underserved and underrepresented publics.
  • Supporting letters from collaborators, colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, undergraduate and graduate students mentored. Although these letters can be individually authored, nominators are urged to solicit a smaller set of collectively authored letters with multiple signatories.
  • The nominee’s c.v.
  • URLs for any relevant websites.

Submitted materials should be representative, rather than exhaustive; the committee strongly encourages that longer documents be excerpted or summarized. Total materials submitted should not exceed 25 pages. For more information, potential nominators may contact the committee chair, Martin Fajardo Manalansan

One set of nominating materials must be submitted to the ASA website by May 15, 2019.

Late submissions will not be accepted. The winner will be contacted regarding arrangements to attend the annual meeting of the association to be held November 7-10, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawai'i, where they will be announced as the awardee at the Generational Gifts Brunch (cosponsored by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality Studies, the Critical Ethnic Studies Committee, the Minority Scholars Committee, and the Students Committee).

Past Richard Yarborough Awards:

  • 2018 Lisa Lowe, Yale University
  • 2017 Ruth Wilson Gilmore, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
  • 2016 Martin F. Manalansan IV, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • 2015 Mark Anthony Neal, Duke University
  • 2014 José Esteban Muñoz, New York University
  • 2013 Paul Spickard, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2012 Richard Yarborough, University of California, Los Angeles
Post date: April 1, 2019

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