To learn more about the incredible work being done at your local ASA chapter, please join us at the Regional Chapters Committee meeting at ASA in Atlanta.

Business Meeting: Regional Chapters Committee

Time: Thu Nov 8th 2018, 2:30 to 4:30pm   

Place: Westin Peachtree, Sixth - Chastain A

Rosie Jayde Uyola

Chair, Regional Chapters Committee



SASA, the A.S.A.’s Southeastern regional chapter, welcomes everyone to Atlanta for this November’s national conference -- and then back to Atlanta for SASA’s next Bienniale, focusing on “Looking Back, Talking Back, Moving Forward,” March 14-16 at the Emory Conference Center and Hotel. Meanwhile, a word from our indefatigable president, Molly McGehee of Emory’s Oxford College: “Save the Date! Friday, Nov. 9th, 5-7 pm at the Wrecking Bar Brewpub (Little Five Points, Atlanta): a reception co-hosted by SASA, the Early American Matters Caucus, and the Environment and Culture Caucus! Appetizers and cash bar, with drink tickets for graduate students.” There’s also this reminder for everyone -- please check out our website, at, and Like us on Fb -- plus an additional reminder for grad students across the land: please see our website for details about the Critoph Prize, which recognizes the best paper delivered by a graduate student at each of our biennial  conferences! Looking forward, Dennis Moore,



The Hawai‘i American Studies Association chapter is sponsoring the (Re)mapping Indigenous & Settler Geographies in the Pacific conference. The conference will be held on October 18-19 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. This gathering explores the intersection between indigenous and settler communities through the act of (re)mapping. (Re)mapping is an indigenous and gendered project that enacts vibrant native futures by restoring and reimagining our relationships to place, people, and the environment. (Re)mapping also refers to critical settler projects that interrogate how settler colonialism gets articulated through physical, cultural, spatial and environmental geographies that erase indigenous peoples from their lands.  

For more information, please consult the conference website:



We hope you will join us for our one day conference, "Emergence," on Saturday, October 13th, 2018 at NYU. Our keynote is the incredible Kandice Chuh.

Online registration: (faculty and student rates).

Breakfast and lunch will be served.



The New England ASA will host its 8th annual Colloquium on Saturday 9/29 at Boston University. This year the Colloquium will focus on themes of Community in American Studies, higher education and academia, and American society. As always, the Colloquium will particularly engage with issues of professional development and careers, teaching and service, and practical advice for graduate students, junior faculty, and all those making their way through the academic landscape.



PNASA officers Christopher Leise and Laurie Arnold hosted an NEH-funded Summer Institute for College and University Teachers on “The Native American West” from June 17-July 1, 2018, at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. Scholars attending the institute represented 19 states; they came from four-year colleges, two-year colleges, graduate programs and museums. Six of the scholars represented Native American communities. Scholars received classroom instruction from 12 visiting faculty and took field trips to four key regional sites: Whitman Mission, Tamástslikt Cultural Institute in Pendleton, the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles and the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane. A major goal of the institute was to enable the summer scholars to develop new syllabi and classroom assignments that they could take back and incorporate into their courses; these and other documents will be available via a broadly accessible web-based repository of resources at



2019 Annual Meeting of the

California American Studies Association

San Diego State University

April 12-13, 2019

The Program Committee for the California American Studies Association invites proposals for our annual meeting, to be held Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, 2019, at San Diego State University.

This year’s theme is Localisms, Regionalisms, Nationalisms, Internationalisms. We also welcome panels and individual papers addressing all major aspects of the critical study of American cultures.

Proposals for individual papers, conference panels, roundtables, field trips, and other special sessions are invited. All members of the American Studies Association who reside in California are automatically members of the California American Studies Association, but ASA membership is not a prerequisite for CASA. Since it was founded in 1981, CASA has been an open, inclusive, regional organization devoted to promoting the field of American Studies, particularly in California. Our annual conference welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, K-12 educators, college and university faculty, and community members.

Individual proposals should include name and contact information (including email), paper title, an abstract of approximately 250 words, and a brief c.v. or biographical statement. Panel proposals should include the organizer’s name and contact information, each presenter’s name and contact information, an abstract for the overall panel, abstract for each paper proposed, and c.v. for each participant.  Please submit materials no later than January 18, 2019 to


Inquiries may be directed to Edward Blum at

The California American Studies Association, founded in 1981, is a chapter of the American Studies Association, and is dedicated to the promotion of collegial dialogue and dissemination of current research

Post date: September 14, 2018

Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.