As a followup to another highly successful biennial SASA conference, our president Krystyn Moon is preparing to post our ballot via a link at our website. Meanwhile, our Board extends a hearty Thank You to Prof. Charlie McGovern for having so graciously hosted us at William and Mary and to our two plenary speakers, Dana D. Nelson (English, Vanderbilt) and Angela Pulley Hudson (History, Texas A&M), plus hearty Congrats to all 13 of the graduate students who received mini-travel grants in conjunction with this conference: Sophie Abramowitz (UVA), Edurne Arostegui (U. of Nevada-Reno), John Garrett Bridger Gilmore (UC-Irvine), Maari Carter (FSU), Elsa Charlety (Brown), Amber Cresgy (FSU), Rachel Gelfand (UNC-Chapel Hill), Caroline Heller (Ole Miss), Hyeryung Hwang (U. of Minnesota-Twin Cities), Jessica Jackson (U-Santa Cruz), Kenneth Johnson (FSU), Emilie Mears (FSU), and Mari Nagatomi (Doshisha U., in Japan). Quoting briefly, here, from the “Graduate Awards Opportunities” link at our website, “SASA is particularly concerned with helping students who have no support for conference attendance from their institutions or other sources, who incur substantial costs for travel to and from the convention, and who have not received travel reimbursement from the SASA previously.” Yes, our website also includes a link to the program for this most recent biennial conference – and yes!, as you think ahead to this November’s A.S.A. conference in Chicago, please remember that we’re again cooking up a Friday afternoon reception! Cheers. – Dennis Moore, SASA’s rep to the RegionalChaps.Comm

Post date: April 7, 2017

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