We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 9 of the AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom. The journal features recent scholarship on academic freedom and its relation to contemporary crises of austerity, shared governance, tenure, and collective bargaining. This year’s volume focuses on the intersections of academic freedom and free speech, and the debates these concepts generate, in higher education today and in historical context.
Highlights from the volume include contributions by Stephen C. Finley, Biko M. Gray, and Lori Latrice Martin on “white virtual mobs” targeting African American scholars; by Johnny Eric Williams on double standards for academic freedom protections; by Leah Hollis on the effects of bullying on faculty governance and morale; by Elizabeth Esch, Megan Jones, and David Roediger on the fight against campus carry in Kansas; and by Blanca Minerva Torres-Olave and María Elena Torres-Olave on the chilling impact of using biometric technologies to monitor faculty.
Follow the links to each article in the table of contents below or access the complete volume at
The Journal of Academic Freedom is supported by funding from the AAUP Foundation.
Table of Contents
Editor’s Introduction
By Rachel Ida Buff
“Affirming Our Values”: African American Scholars, White Virtual Mobs, and the Complicity of White University Administrators
By Stephen C. Finley, Biko M. Gray, and Lori Latrice Martin
The Academic Freedom Double Standard: “Freedom” for Courtiers, Suppression for Critical Scholars
By Johnny Eric Williams
When Free Speech Disrupts Diversity Initiatives: What We Value and What We Do Not
By Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
At the Margins of University Work: The Influence of Campus Climate and Part-Time Faculty Status on Academic Values
By Cassie L. Barnhardt and Carson W. Phillips
Diversity Work: Testing the Waters of Academic Freedom and the Cultural Climate on Campus
By Kevicha Echols and Juan Morales-Flores
The Ironic Interplay of Free Speech and Silencing: Does Workplace Bullying Compromise Free Speech in Higher Education?
By Leah P. Hollis
Free Speech, Safe Spaces, and Teaching in the Current US Political Climate
By Jaime Weida
Stopping the Presses: Private Universities and Gag Orders on Media Interviews
By Frank LoMonte and Linda Riedemann Norbut
Academic Freedom under the Gun: A Report from Kansas
By Elizabeth Esch, Megan Jones, and David Roediger
Not Chilly Enough? Texas Campus Carry and Academic Freedom
By Patricia Somers and Nicholas Phelps
Managing the Academic Racehorse: Bioaccountability, Surveillance, and the Crafting of Docile Faculty in Mexican Universities
By Blanca Minerva Torres-Olave and María Elena Torres-Olave
Illuminating the Dark History behind the Contemporary Assault on Public Interests
By Joseph B. Walzer
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