The Committee on Gender and Sexuality Studies calls for submissions to the seventh annual Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award for Independent Scholars, Contingent or Community College Faculty. Hosted by the American Studies Association, this award honors Anzaldúa’s outstanding career as an independent scholar and her labor as contingent faculty, along with her groundbreaking contributions to scholarship to feminist, women of color and queer theory. The award includes a lifetime membership in the ASA, a lifetime electronic subscription to American Quarterly, and $500. Applicants must work in American studies or a related field and work as independent scholars and/or as faculty at community colleges or in a contingent capacity (i.e., as part-time or full-time non-ladder-rank or non-tenure-track instructors, adjuncts, or lecturers). Graduate students are ineligible.
Applicants must submit the following: a cover letter (two pages maximum), a two-page vita; and an essay/paper which does not exceed 25 pages, including end notes and bibliography, and which fulfills one of the following criteria: unpublished, accepted for publication, or published in 2017 or 2018. Relevant submissions will demonstrate an affinity with Anzaldua’s oeuvre, vision, or political commitments and should address connections among some or all the following categories: race, ethnicity, citizenship, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability. Please address this affinity in your cover letter.
Please submit your application electronically by MAY 15, 2019, to the committee co-chair, Samantha Pinto ( Late submissions will not be accepted. The winner will be contacted regarding arrangements to attend the annual meeting of the association to be held November 7-10, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawai'i, where they will be announced as the awardee at the Generational Gifts Brunch (cosponsored by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality Studies, the Critical Ethnic Studies Committee, the Minority Scholars Committee, and the Students Committee).
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