The Gene Wise-Warren Susman Prize recognizes the best paper presented by a graduate student at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association. Any student paper given at the meeting - either in-person or virtually - is eligible for consideration, provided that it does not exceed 12 pages, including the notes. The paper should be a work-in-progress. The author of the winning paper will receive a $500 award, to be announced in mid-November.
How to submit an application:
Step 1: Assemble the materials required for consideration. These include: (1) a cover letter with author's name, institutional affiliation, paper title, and contact information, and (2) the conference paper. Papers should be 10-12 pages in length (approximately 3,500 words), including citations and notes. Unedited dissertation chapters or seminar-length papers are not acceptable. Illustrations are not counted as part of the 10-12 page limit and may be uploaded in a separate PDF file.
Step 2: Log onto the ASA website to submit the application form. You will be asked to enter the applicant's information (title, affiliation, address) before being prompted to upload a PDF of the materials outlined above. Application or nomination forms must be submitted no later than October 1. Late applications will not be accepted.
When is the deadline: October 1
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