ASA Denver Panel

Dear everyone:

The deadline for submission of proposals for the 2017 Annual Meeting in Chicago is coming up quickly:  February 1!  The Program Committee is eager to delve into the submissions.

If you're not submitting a proposal either as an individual or as part of a panel, but are interested in participating in the meeting, we hope you’ll volunteer to act as a chair and/or commentator. The Program Committee will need to find people to serve in these roles for the sessions that we constitute out of individual paper submissions. We'll do our best to match volunteer interests with proposal emphases; toward that end, we need to have a wide range of volunteers available. Consider it yourself, and encourage your colleagues who might be interested in ASA/the annual meeting to do so, too!  Visit our instructions for applying to be a chair and commentator for more details. 

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Thanks,

Laura Kang

Siobhan Somerville

Alexandra T. Vazquez

Co-Chairs, Program Committee


Posted for ASA Office in Annual Meeting
Post date: January 30, 2017

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