May 9, 2017

Early American Matters at the 2017 Chicago  Annual Meeting--and Beyond

At our Caucus’s business meeting at the 2017 annual meeting – Friday morning, November 10 – we’ll come up with topics for two panels to propose (as “Sponsored by the Early American Matters Caucus”) for next November’s meeting in Atlanta. Meanwhile, here’s an alphabetized list of the 11 early-American-flavored panels on this year’s program:


“Colloquy with Dana Nelson on Reading the Politics of Participation in the Early U.S. and in the Age of Trump” (Roundtable)

Renée Bergland, Simmons College

Lorrayne Carroll, University of Southern Maine

Robert L. Gunn, University of Texas, El Paso

Sandra Gustafson, University of Notre Dame

Dennis Moore, Florida State University, Chair

Dana D. Nelson, Vanderbilt University, author of Commons Democracy: Reading the Politics of Participation in the Early United States

Donald E. Pease, Jr., Dartmouth College

Matthew Shaw, University of London



"Dissenting Sciences: Objectivity, Feminist/ Trans Science Studies, and the Multiethnic Resistance"  (Roundtable)

Aimee Bahng, Pomona College

Mel Chen, University of California, Berkeley

Denise Ferreira da Silva, University of British Columbia, Chair

Che Gossett, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Britt Rusert, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kyla Schuller, Rutgers University-New Brunswick



“Early American Pedagogies of Agency, Resistance, and Respectability”

Chair and Respondent: Shevaun Watson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Joanne van der Woude, University of Groningen, "Bernardo de Sahagún’s Colloquios with Aztec Elders: Missionary Pedagogy Meets Indigeneity and Dissent”

Hilary E. Wyss, Auburn University, “‘Serving many gods:’ The Eliot Tracts, Indian Confession and the Politics of Dissent”

Cassander L. Smith, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, "(Some) Black Lives Matter: Teaching Respectability and Early African American Culture”



"Forming and Deforming: Affect and the Subject of Early America"

Chair: Danielle Skeehan, Oberlin College

Benjamin Bascom, Ball State University, "When Hermits Were Queer: Solitary Counterpublics and the Early Republic"

Mariah Gruner, Boston University, "Transformative Emulation: Construction and the Display of the Mobile Schoolgirl Self and Sampler"

Howard Horwitz, University of Utah, "'The Sensations of the People': Hamilton's Habitual Citizen"

Ana Schwartz, University of Pennsylvania, "Feeling Past Politics: Becoming A Person in Puritan Verse"



"Histories of Sexuality in the Wake of the Postsecular Turn"  (Roundtable)

Peter Coviello, University of Illinois at Chicago

Greta LaFleur, Yale University

Scott Larson, George Washington University

Justine Murison, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wendy Roberts, SUNY-Albany


“Impossible Possibilities and Dissenting Narratives of Slavery”

Lara Langer Cohen, Swarthmore College

P. Gabrielle Foreman, University of Delaware

Tony Perry, University of Maryland

Myisha Priest, New York University

Lisa Ze Winters, Wayne State University


“Intermediary Interlocutors: Unknowing Race and Sexuality in the Long 19th Century’s Archives”

Chair and Respondent: Kyla Wazana Tompkins, Pomona College

Christofer A. Rodelo, Harvard University, "Exhibiting Brown: Maximo and Bartola, Archival Lingering, and 19th Century Latinx Performance"

Kris Klein Hernandez, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, "Illicit Intimacies at Bagdad: Mexican and African American Archival Longings on the Confederate-Mexico


Yuhe Faye Wang, Yale University, "Settled Exclusions: Negotiating Gender, Sexuality, and Chinese Racialization in the Settler Colonial Archive"


"Interrogating Disability in Early America: Literacies and Pedagogies”

Chair: Rebecca M. Rosen, Princeton University

Clare Mullaney, University of Pennsylvania, “Whitman’s Waste: Bodies, Bandages, Bedsides and Books”

Sari Altschuler, Northeastern University, “Universal Design in Early America, A Digital Project”

Amanda Stuckey, The College of William & Mary, “Teaching Reading: The Book, the Body and Nineteenth-Century U.S. Education Reform”

Ittai Orr, Yale University, “Robert Montgomery Bird’s Cognitive Diversity Hypothesis”



“Margaret Fuller’s Politics of Dissent” (Roundtable)

Dorri Beam, Syracuse University

William Bond, Northeastern University

Sonia Di Loreto, University of Torino, Italy, Chair

Jonathan D. Fitzgerald, Northeastern University

Sarah Payne, Northeastern University



"Oceanic Practices of Assent and Dissent in Early American Maritime Manuscripts"

Chair: Dan Walden, Baylor University

Mark B. Kelley, University of California-San Diego, “Affective Assent and Dissent in Age of Sail Shipboard Manuscripts”

Matthew Knip, The Graduate Center, CUNY, “Erotic Disidentification in the Journals of Philip C. Van Buskirk, 1851-1870”

Kate Wersan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Assenting to the Universe at Their ‘Finger Ends”: Learning Timekeeping at Sea, 1770-1850”



"Proximities of Dissent: Native American and Indigenous Protest Across Time and Place” (Roundtable)

Christian Crouch, Bard College

Hi’ilei Julia Hobart, Northwestern University

Tiya Miles, University of Michigan, Chair

Alyssa Mt Pleasant, University at Buffalo (SUNY)

Caroline Wigginton, University of Mississippi

Kelly Wisecup, Northwestern University

Post date: May 10, 2017

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