Critical Prison Studies Caucus Sponsored Panels

Friday 2-3:45 | CPSC & Activism: Homing in on Global Security: The Israel-US Connection and Beyond. Lisa Bhungalia, Ethan Blue, Rana Marie Jaleel, Rhys Machold, Dean Spade

Friday, 4-5:45 | CPSC, Activism, and K-12 Caucuses: The Right to Education: From Palestine to the “Homeland.” Dylan Rodriguez, Abigail Boggs, Curtis Marez, Erica Meiners, Loubna Qutami, Ahmad H. Sa’di

Saturday, 10-11:45 | Making Freedom: Materializing Abolition Through Non-Reformist Reforms. Craig Gilmore, David Stein, Melissa Burch, Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Kai Lumumba Barrow

Saturday, 12-1:45 | Who Gets to Go Home: Refusing Innocence. Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Thomas Dichter, James Kilgore, Laura McTighe, Mariame Kaba, Victoria Bryan

Saturday, 5-7pm | CPCS Business Meeting

CPSC Related Panels


Thursday, 10-11:45 | Making Home and Community in the Shadow of the Carceral State. Jenna Loyd, Rashad Shabazz, Deshonay Dozier, Marisol LeBrón, Elissa Underwood 

Thursday, 10-11:45 | Carceral Biopolitics. Rebecca Ginsburg, Amani Husain, Tristan Josephson, Lisa Sun-Hee Park, Michelle Christina Velasquez-Potts

Thursday, 12-1:45pm | Regimes of Post-9/11 National Security. Laura E. Lyons, Nicole Nguyen, Krys Méndez Ramirez, Chandra Russo

Thursday, 2-3:45pm | The Politics of Space and Belonging in the Fortress City. Ernesto Martinez, LeiLani Dowell, Freda Fair, Maco Lavae Faniel, Aleksandra Szaniawska

Thursday, 4-5:45pm | Private Prisons and Innocent Victims: What We Keep Getting Wrong about the PIC (and Why It Matters). Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor, Orisanmi Burton, Christina Heatherton, Jack Norton 


Friday, 8-9:45am | Reading Against the Carceral Archive. Lee Bernstein, Emily Hainze, Teishan Latner, Joshua Anthony Mitchell, Tyler Jackson Rogers

Friday, 12-1:45pm | We Have No Home in this Place--Prisons, Debt, Gender, Health. Elizabeth Kai Hinton, Michelle Jones, Anastazia Schmidt, Lara Campbell, Micol Siegel

Friday, 12-1:45pm | Between Hell and Home: Solitary Confinement from ADX Florence to Guantanamo and Back. Dan Berger, Jeanne Theoharis, Ray Luc Levasseur, Laura Rovner, 

Friday, 2-3:45 pm | The Political Economy of Mass Homelessness in the Carceral City. Cindi Katz, Mni Luzahan, Craig Willse, Jordan T. Camp

Friday, 2-3:45 pm | Policing and the Emergence of State Power in the Early Americas.  Janet Neary, Sarah Nicolazzo, Max Mishler, Greta LaFleur, Emma Heaney

Friday, 2-3:45 pm | CPSC and Activism: Homing in on Global Security: The Israel-US Connection and Beyond. Lisa Bhungalia, Ethan Blue, Rana Marie Jaleel, Rhys Machold, Dean Spade

Friday, 4-5:45pm | Carceral Domesticities. Leslie Weingard, Nicole Fleetwood, Anoop Mirpuri, Sarah Haley, Ruby Tapia

Friday, 4-5:45pm | CPCS, Activism, and K-12 Caucuses: The Right to Education: From Palestine to the “Homeland.” Dylan Rodriguez, Abigail Boggs, Curtis Marez, Erica Meiners, Loubna Qutami, Ahmad H. Sa’di

Friday, 4-5:45pm | Narratives of Racial Delinquency. William Bush, Chrissy Anderson-Zavala, Michelle Kelley, Kate O’Connor, Malcolm Tariq


Saturday, 8-9:45am | Resisting Violence(s) Against Black Bodies: Worlding, Sounding, and Abolition. Stephen Dillon, Che Gossett, Andrew Dilts

Saturday, 8-9:45am | Cultures of the Long Revolution: Policing and Re-domesticating Public Space From Abolitionism to Black Lives Matter. Rosie Uyola, Kendall McClellan, Scott Henkel, Katharina Fackler, Sheila Smith McKoy, Justin Rogers-Cooper

Saturday, 10-11:45am | CPSC: Making Freedom: Materializing Abolition Through Non-Reformist Reforms. Craig GIlmore, David Stein, Melissa Burch, Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Kai Lumumba Barrow

Saturday, 10-11:45am | University Police, Gentrification, and the Education-Incarceration Nexus. Miranda Joseph, Eli Meyerhoff, Zach Schwartz-Weinstein, Laura Goldblatt, Amanda Armstrong

Saturday, 10-11:45am | The Bounds of Crises. Dylan Rodriguez, Juli Grigsby, Connie Wun, Damien Sojoyner, Sabina Vaught

Saturday, 12-1:45pm | CPSC: Who Gets to Go Home: Refusing Innocence. Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Thomas Dichter, James Kilgore, Laura McTighe, Mariame Kaba, Victoria Bryan

Saturday, 2-3:45pm | Crossing Walls & Borders: Palestine Prisoner Solidarity Delegation. Dennis Childs, Johanna Fernandez, Diana Block, Henry “Hank” Jones, Diane Fujino, Jaime Veve, Rahab Abdulhadi

CPSC Meeting: Sat. Nov. 19, 5-7pm

Sunday, 12-1:45am | Carceral Logics. Michael Hames-Garcia, Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land, Jessi Lee Jackson, Gathleen Kiyomi Kozen, Caleb Knapp

Post date: September 15, 2016

Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.