**Please circulate!**
Sponsored by the Childhood and Youth Studies Caucus of the American Studies Association, this panel examines issues impacting Kanaka Maoli youth historically and in the contemporary moment. Drawing on the conference theme “Building as We Fight,” we seek papers that grapple with the creative and practical ways children and institutions have resisted, disrupted, and responded to settler colonial violence in its ideological and repressive forms in Hawai’i. From the disproportionate rates of Kanaka Maoli youth in foster care and detention centers to educational models and institutions that contribute to ongoing cultural genocide through indigenous erasure, Kanaka Maoli youth are subject to overpolicing, kinship intervention, and surveillance by the settler state. They have also been at the forefront of responding to these issues both as invoked figures and as actors, organizers, and coalition builders, revealing the violently intimate connections among colonization of lands, bodies, and communities. We are interested in papers that engage with the ways children are biopolitical targets of the state and how children are attempting to create alternative futures at the micro and macro levels. We welcome papers that approach these issues informed by indigenous, critical race, queer, feminist, ecocritical, anthropological, historical, sociological, and/or literary methods. We also welcome papers that can speak to these issues from the positions of activism and praxis.
Please send a short bio and 300 word abstract of your proposed paper to Mary Zaborskis (mez84@pitt.edu) by January 11, 2019.
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