Call for Proposals

The Archive of Modern American Warfare will hold its inaugural symposium on September 14 and 15, 2016 at Texas Tech University’s International Cultural Center.

Symposium organizers are accepting proposals that consider:

  • The historical conditions (political, societal, economic, cultural etc.) that led to the growth of ISIS
  • Lessons learned from America’s previous encounters with Radical Islam, such as Al Qaida and the Taliban
  • First-hand accounts from veterans who have served during the War on Terrorism
  • The media’s impact on how the War on Terrorism was viewed in the past compared with today
  • The ways in which the Muslim community is responding to the growing threat from ISIS
  • Current theories on how to win the war against ISIS
  • Any other topic relevant to the War on Terrorism and ISIS, as well as their historical underpinnings

Symposium organizers welcome both individual presentation proposals as well as pre-organized panel proposals that include two to three presentations. Symposium sessions will follow a 90-minute format to include one hour for presentations and 30 minutes for questions and discussion. Presentations by veterans are especially encouraged as are presentations by graduate students.

Submissions for individual papers and panel sessions must include:

  1. Paper/Session title
  2. Presenter’s CV/resume (maximum 2 pages)
  3. A summary of the proposed presentation (approximately 500 words) - This abstract will be used by the symposium organizers to evaluate your proposal.
  4. Specific technology or other presentation requirements

Please send submissions to If submitting a panel proposal, please include separate abstracts for each proposed presentation and CVs/resumes for each speaker.

All submissions will be evaluated based on the relevance of the topic and potential to advance understanding about the Global War on Terrorism and ISIS, as well as their historical underpinnings. Acceptance is competitive.

Important Dates

Proposal submission deadline: May 15, 2016

Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2016

Accepted presenters must confirm presentations: June 15, 2016

Registration deadline: August 31, 2016


Post date: April 26, 2016

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