The Sports Studies Caucus of the American Studies Association seeks panel proposals for the 2017 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, November 9-12, 2017.
In particular, we seek proposals that address the 2017 Annual Meeting theme: "Pedagogies of Dissent.” Per the ASA website: "'Pedagogies of Dissent' emphasizes the conjuncture of education, politics, and intellectual work that has long been and remains central to the vibrancy of American studies.” The Sports Studies Caucus likewise encourages panel submissions that engage the Chicago sportscape and its role in the sporting cultures of the Americas.
We also urge interested parties to consider non-traditional panel formats and the creation of interlocking or related panel sessions. For more information on panel formatting, visit Submit a Proposal and scroll down to the header marked “Proposal Types.”
Have a panel idea? Visit our web page Facebook page ( to seek like-minded presenters, or contact Noah Cohan at []. Panel proposals submitted by Jan. 17 will be considered for caucus sponsorship by a vote of our members. To be considered, please e-mail with a list of panelists and an abstract of 300 words.
Read more information on the Annual Meeting.
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