Scholars at Risk logo

The ASA expresses support for Scholars at Risk (SAR), a network of over 400 higher education institutions in 39 countries working to protect threatened scholars, prevent attacks on higher education and promote academic freedom.

By standing with SAR, the ASA stands in solidarity with educators, researchers and students around the world who are threatened for peacefully expressing ideas and asking questions.

Scholars and students at universities around the world face regular threats as a result of their academic work and free expression of ideas. Through SAR academic institutions around the world have banded together to fight for academic freedom.  “Attacks on higher education shrink the space where people can freely think and ask questions about complex and contentious issues,” said SAR’s Executive Director, Robert Quinn.

SAR member institutions assist persecuted scholars and students by offering temporary research and teaching positions, monitoring and advocating against attacks on higher education, and conducting learning initiatives to promote academic freedom. In addition, faculty, staff and students at member institutions have the opportunity to engage in SAR activities, including:

To learn more about how you can support Scholars at Risk and bring their programming to your campus, email and sign up for SAR updates.

Posted for ASA Office in Other
Post date: June 12, 2017

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